The system cannot find the file specified with ffmpeg

Most of the answers didn't work. Here is what worked for me using conda env:

pip uninstall ffmpeg-python
conda install ffmpeg
pip install ffmpeg-python

Just the conda installation gives library not found error. Didn't try uninstalling conda library either but this works.

None of the above answers worked for me.

I got it working, by opening Anaconda Navigator > CMD prompt.

conda install ffmpeg

The WindowsError you see does not refer to the video file but to the ffmpeg executable itself. The call to has no idea that trimmed.mp4 is a filename you are passing. Windows knows that the first parameter ought to be an executable file and reports back to the interpreter that it can't find it.

Double-check that ffmpeg can be executed in the environment your interpreter is running in. You may either add it to your PATH or specify the full path to ffmpeg.exe.