Knowing how much \resizebox scales

\resizebox is just \scalebox with a scale factor being the number that you ask for. So you can just persuade it to expose that number rather than just use it in a local group and discard it.

enter image description here


This is \texttt{fig-a} with its natural size:


This is \texttt{fig-b} with its natural size:


This is \texttt{fig-a} scaled to fit the page width:

\noindent%you need this:-)

How do I rescale \texttt{fig-b} to keep its relative size compared to \texttt{fig-a} without knowing its actual size?



You can use

\resizebox{\fpeval{(2.5cm) / (5cm)}\textwidth}{!}{\figureB}

where \fpeval is provided by xfp.

Essentially you're resizing the image to a scaled version of \textwidth based on the ratio of the two figure's widths. This is known in this case, so it seems superfluous to evaluate (2.5cm) / (5cm) rather than just using .5. But in general this might not be known.

The following example is slightly different, using 2.5pc for the smaller image:

enter image description here



\setlength{\parindent}{0pt}% Just for this example



This is \texttt{figureA} with its natural size:


This is \texttt{figureB} with its natural size:


This is \texttt{figureA} scaled to fit the page width:


How do I rescale \texttt{figureB} to keep its relative size compared to \texttt{figureA} without knowing its actual size?

\resizebox{\fpeval{(2.5pc) / (5cm)}\textwidth}{!}{\figureB}


You could also use

\resizebox{\fpeval{\textwidth * (2.5pc) / (5cm)}pt}{!}{\figureB}

since the result from \fpeval on dimensions is expressed in points.

If the figure dimensions are unknown, you can store the figures in boxes from which one can readily extract the width and/or height. Here is the above example written with that in mind:



\setlength{\parindent}{0pt}% Just for this example


\newsavebox{\figureAbox}% Store figure a in a box
\newsavebox{\figureBbox}% Store figure b in a box

This is \texttt{figureA} with its natural size:

\usebox\figureAbox% figure a

This is \texttt{figureB} with its natural size:

\usebox\figureBbox% figure b

This is \texttt{figureA} scaled to fit the page width:

\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\usebox\figureAbox}% Scaled figure a

How do I rescale \texttt{figureB} to keep its relative size compared to \texttt{figureA} without knowing its actual size?

\resizebox{\fpeval{\textwidth * (\wd\figureBbox) / (\wd\figureAbox)}pt}{!}{\usebox\figureBbox}% Scaled figure b


Here I define \Resizebox, a variant of \resizebox that takes an optional argument; if absent it does the same as \resizebox, if present, it should be a (definable) control sequence where the scale factor is stored, for subsequent use.




This is \texttt{figure-a} with its natural size:



This is \texttt{figure-b} with its natural size:



This is \texttt{figure-a} scaled to fit the page width:



How do I rescale \texttt{figure-b} to keep its relative 
size compared to \texttt{figure-a} without knowing its actual size?


\texttt{Insert a nice piece of code here :)}



enter image description here