Text along bent arrows in TikZ

I would do something like this:



    \tikzstyle{leaf}=[shape=circle,draw=black,fill=green!20,minimum size=0.01cm]
    \tikzstyle{pool}=[shape=rectangle,draw=black,fill=blue!20,minimum width=4cm,minimum height=1cm]
        \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
        \node[pool] (biomass_pool) at (0,-2) {Pool};
        \node[leaf] (leaf_1) at (-5.5,1.5) {$x_1$};
        \draw [{Latex[length=1.5mm]}-] (leaf_1) to [bend right=30] node [above, sloped] (TextNode1) {$q_1$} (biomass_pool);
        \draw [-{Latex[length=1.5mm]},dotted] (leaf_1) to [bend left=30]  node [above, sloped]  (TextNode2) {$d_1$} (biomass_pool);


enter image description here

When using to, the node has to be placed right after to, not after the next coordinate, i.e. (a) to node{foo} (b) instead of (a) to (b) node[midway]{foo};.

\tikzstyle is I believe considered deprecated by the way. It still works, but the recommended method is \tikzset{style A/.style={...}, style B/.style={...}}.

output of code



      leaf/.style={shape=circle,draw=black,fill=green!20,minimum size=0.01cm},
      pool/.style={shape=rectangle,draw=black,fill=blue!20,minimum width=4cm,minimum height=1cm}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
      \node[pool] (biomass_pool) at (0,-2) {Pool};
      \node[leaf] (leaf_1) at (-5.5,1.5) {$x_1$};
      \draw [{Latex[length=1.5mm]}-] (leaf_1) -- (biomass_pool) node [pos=.5, above, sloped] (TextNode1) {$q_1$};
      \draw [-{Latex[length=1.5mm]},dotted] (leaf_1) to[bend left=5] node [below, sloped] (TextNode2) {$d_1$} (biomass_pool);


  • do you really need named nodes for edge labels?
  • is it necessary that tikzpicture has options overlay,remember picture?
  • is necessary that the image is in figure environment (i don't see caption)?

if answers are no, than i would rather use the following solution:

\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, quotes}


\frametitle{My image}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[%overlay,remember picture, % do you really need this?
    leaf/.style={circle,draw,fill=green!20,minimum size=1mm},
    pool/.style={draw,fill=blue!20,minimum width=4cm,minimum height=1cm},
    \node[pool] (biomass_pool)  at (0,-2) {Pool};
    \node[leaf] (leaf_1)        at (-5.5,1.5) {$x_1$};
    \draw[Arr] (biomass_pool)   to [bend left=30,"$q_1$"] (leaf_1);
    \draw[Arr,dotted] (leaf_1)  to [bend left=30,"$d_1$"]   (biomass_pool);


enter image description here