Keras pretrain CNN with TimeDistributed

My simple solution is a pretty one.

Considering you are using a pre-trained network from keras, you can replace it with your own pre-trained network too.

Here's a simple solution::

model_vgg=keras.applications.VGG16(input_shape=(256, 256, 3),
model_vgg.trainable = False

If you want to use any intermediate layers then, otherwise replace 'block2_pool' with last layer's name::

intermediate_model= Model(inputs=model_vgg.input, outputs=model_vgg.get_layer('block2_pool').output)

Finally wrap it in a TimeDistributed Layer

input_tensor = Input(shape=(time_steps,height, width, channels))
timeDistributed_layer = TimeDistributed( intermediate_model )(input_tensor)

Now you can simply do::

my_time_model = Model( inputs = input_tensor, outputs = timeDistributed_layer )