Jetty Annotation Timeout Reason

The most simple way is adding the system property in pom.xml

I've got the same error and to fix it, you should add to your start script (start.ini) the following:


120 is for two minutes of annotation scanning in case that you need a higher value, just set it to the propper one.

One more (in my opinion) convinient way is to set this property using a jetty.xml like so:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Jetty//Configure//EN" "">
    <Call name="setProperty" class="java.lang.System">

This way you can omit the commandline args

It is useless to scan all dependent jars, you can make the scanning pattern more restrictive to only match certain jars:


See webInfIncludeJarPattern doc for more details: