Change modal width only for specific modal in Bootbox

Try this:

.modal70 > .modal-dialog {
    width:70% !important;


Try Demo

Just as further information...

As the documentation says, you can control the size of the modal with the "size" property in the constructor.

Adds the relevant Bootstrap modal size class to the dialog wrapper.
Valid values are 'large' and 'small' (Default: null)

    size: <small|large>

See Snippet for usage example (best seen in full screen)

$(".size-by-funcion-0").click(function() {
        size: "null",
        title: "Default Size Modal Example",
        message: "...",

$(".size-by-funcion-1").click(function() {
        size: "small",
        title: "Small Size Modal Example",
        message: "...",

$(".size-by-funcion-2").click(function() {
        size: "large",
        title: "Large Size Modal Example",
        message: "...",

// or make it dynamic... with only one function
$(".dynamic-size").click(function() {
        size: $(this).data('size'),
        title: "Dynamic Size Modal Example",
        message: "...",
p {
    cursor: pointer;
    background-color: #ccc;
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<p class="size-by-funcion-0">Modal with the default size</p>
<p class="size-by-funcion-1">Modal with "size:small"</p>
<p class="size-by-funcion-2">Modal with "size:large"</p>

<hr />

<p class="dynamic-size" data-size="null">Modal with "size:default"</p>
<p class="dynamic-size" data-size="small">Modal with "size:small"</p>
<p class="dynamic-size" data-size="large">Modal with "size:large"</p>

More info on source:

Note: Requires Bootstrap 3.1.0 or newer.