Javascript convert bigInt to string

You can use the BigInt methods BigInt.prototype.toLocaleString(), or BigInt.prototype.toString(). Hope that helps.

Click here: for more BigInt info.

As of 2019, you can use the built-in BigInt and BigInt literal, first, do something like:

// Cast to BigInt:
var result = BigInt("1234567801234567890");
result = BigInt(1234567801234567890);

// Or use BigInt literal directly (with n suffix).
result = 1234567801234567890n

Then use built-in toString method:

console.log('my BigInt is', result.toString());

See documentation on MDN

This is a precision issue--the number you're getting back (582235852866076672) is bigger than the max number representable in JavaScript, which is 2^53 or 9007199254740992.

It seems like even though there are three answers, only one of them kind of actually answers the question, but it's not the accepted answer...

This is my answer:

First of all, you don't need to import the BigInt library... BigInt is built-in to JavaScript (at least it is now), you can access it by calling the function: BigInt(...) or by adding an 'n' at the end of a number: 45625625443n

BigInt can hold very big numbers, last I checked, the limit is 1 billion bits 1. That means you could hold an integer around 1×10109, which in most cases you most likely won't need any integer that big.

As I showed above, you can build a BigInt by using the constructor (BigInt(...)) or by adding an 'n' to the end (45625625443n) 2

When using the constructor, the parameter can be any of the following (but as jmrk said in the comments, when putting in a number into the constructor, it will still lose precision, so don't use a number):

// String
   // -> 1234567890987654321234567890n

// Number
   // -> 1234567890987654297979715584n
   /* As said above, using a number in the constructor may lose precision,
      as seen here just input a string or use the n */

// BigInt
   // -> 1234567890987654321234567890n

// Boolean
   BigInt(false) // 0n
   BigInt(true)  // 1n

You can't mix types in operations. You can't do any of the normal operations with normal JavaScript numbers, you must convert them into BigInts first.

let big_int_number = BigInt(135445264365246564)

// Incorrect
big_int_number + 1365

// Correct (either one)
big_int_number + 1365n
big_int_number + BigInt(1365)

And finally to answer the real question: To turn a BigInt into a string, you just need to use the built-in methods 3:

let big_int_number = BigInt("135445264365246564")
// or
let big_int_number = 135445264365246564n

// Using BigInt.prototype.toString()
let string_version = big_int_number.toString()

/* You probably don't need this method,
   but I just put it here just because */

// Using BigInt.prototype.toLocaleString()
let string_version = big_int_number.toLocaleString()

This works for both constructions ways...

let n_constructed = 1234567890987654321234567890n
    n_constructed.toString()       // 1234567890987654321234567890n
    n_constructed.toLocaleString() // 1234567890987654321234567890n

let constructered = BigInt("1234567890987654321234567890")
    constructered.toString()       // 1234567890987654321234567890n
    constructered.toLocaleString() // 1234567890987654321234567890n

If you have any questions about BigInt, visit MDN's reference page on BigInt