IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied

IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'juliodantas2015.json'

tells you everything you need to know: though you successfully made your python program executable with your chmod, python can't open that juliodantas2015.json' file for writing. You probably don't have the rights to create new files in the folder you're currently in.

I had a similar problem. I was attempting to have a file written every time a user visits a website.

The problem ended up being twofold.

1: the permissions were not set correctly

2: I attempted to use
f = open(r"newfile.txt","w+") (Wrong)

After changing the file to 777 (all users can read/write)
chmod 777 /var/www/path/to/file
and changing the path to an absolute path, my problem was solved
f = open(r"/var/www/path/to/file/newfile.txt","w+") (Right)

