javascript - check if object is empty

Here is in jQuery:

  var obj={"mergedSellerArray":{}};
  alert("is empty: "+$.isEmptyObject(obj.mergedSellerArray));

  var obj2={"mergedSellerArray":{"key1114":"1120"}};
  alert("is empty: "+$.isEmptyObject(obj2.mergedSellerArray));
<script src="" />


If you are using lodash library, you have an elegant way to check an empty object, array, map or a set. I presume you are aware of ES6 Import statement.

import {isEmpty} from "lodash"

let obj = {};
console.log(isEmpty(obj)); //Outputs true.

let arr = [];
console.log(isEmpty(arr)); //Outputs true."javascript";
console.log(isEmpty(obj)); //Outputs false.

So, for your code,

isEmpty(mergedSellerArray); //will return true if object is not empty.

Hope this answer helped.

You were testing sellers which is not empty because it contains mergedSellerArray. You need to test sellers.mergedSellerArray

let sellers = {
  "mergedSellerArray": {}
if (Object.keys(sellers.mergedSellerArray).length === 0 && sellers.mergedSellerArray.constructor === Object) {
  console.log("sellers is empty!");
} else {
  console.log("sellers is not empty !");

This will work in modern web browser. It is quite easy and simple

const empty = {};
if(Object.keys(empty).length === 0 && empty.constructor === Object) {
    console.log("Object is empty");
} else {
    console.log("Object is not empty");