Java 8 lambda: iterate over stream objects and use previous/next object(s) in stream

You can do it with StreamEx using a pairMap method:

        .pairMap((prev, next) -> new Message[] {prev, next})
        .forEach(prevNext -> {
            long currentOffset = prevNext[0].getOffset();
            long expectedNextOffset = prevNext[0].getOffset() + 1;
            long actualNextOffset = prevNext[1].getOffset();
            if (currentOffset != expectedNextOffset) {
                    "Missing offset(s) found in messages: missing from {} to {}",
                    currentOffset + 1, actualNextOffset - 1);

Sometimes, attempting to do everything with lambda expressions makes solutions more complicated. You can use:
    .forEachOrdered(new LongConsumer() {
        boolean first=true;
        long expected;
        public void accept(long value) {
            if(first) first=false;
            else if(value!=expected)
                LOG.error("Missing offset(s) found in messages: missing from {} to {}",
                          expected, value);

but note that regardless of how fluent the stream chain may look like, sorted() is a stateful intermediate operation which creates and uses a backing array behind the scenes. You’re not loosing anything, if you use that array explicitly:

long[] l =;
for(int ix=1; ix<l.length; ix++) {
    long value = l[ix], expected = l[ix-1]+1;
        LOG.error("Missing offset(s) found in messages: missing from {} to {}",
                  expected, value);

It’s hard to find a simpler solution. But if you want to reduce the amount of memory needed, you can use a BitSet instead of an array:

OptionalLong optMin =;
if(!optMin.isPresent()) return;
long min = optMin.getAsLong();
BitSet bset =
    .collect(BitSet::new, (bs,l) -> bs.set((int)(l-min)), BitSet::or);
for(int set=0, clear; set>=0; ) {
    clear = bset.nextClearBit(set);
    set = bset.nextSetBit(clear);
    if(set >= 0)
        LOG.error("Missing offset(s) found in messages: missing from {} to {}",
                  min+clear, min+set);

This will reduce the used memory significantly in the cases where no gaps or reasonably small gaps, compared to the value range of the offsets, occur. It fails when the distance between the smallest offset and the largest offset is greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE.

You might check that beforehand, which also opens the opportunity to short-cut if there are no gaps at all:

LongSummaryStatistics stat =
if(stat.getCount()==0 ||
   // all solutions assume that there are no duplicates, in this case,
   // the following test allows to prove that there are no gaps:
   stat.getMax()-stat.getMin()==messages.size()-1) {

if(stat.getMax()-stat.getMin()>Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
    // proceed with array based test
else {
    long min = stat.getMin();
    // proceed with BitSet based test

What about it:

        List<Long> offsets =

        IntStream.range(1, offsets.size())
                .mapToObj(i -> new Pair<>(offsets.get(i - 1), offsets.get(i)))
                .forEach(pair -> {
                    final long currentOffset = pair.getKey();
                    final long expectedNextOffset = pair.getKey() + 1;
                    final long actualNextOffset = pair.getValue();
                    if (actualNextOffset != expectedNextOffset) {
                        LOG.error("Missing offset(s) found in messages: missing from {} to {}", currentOffset + 1, actualNextOffset - 1);