Java Optional working of orElse is not as if else

Use orElseGet() to avoid evaluating getDefaultPoJo() when the Optional is not empty:

PoJo poJo1=getNullPoJo().orElseGet(() -> getDefaultPoJo());
PoJo poJo2=getLoadedPoJo().orElseGet(() -> getDefaultPoJo());


It's a method chain, and every method in this chain will get executed, no matter how the underlying API is supposed to work.

1) getNullPoJo()
2) r = getDefaultPoJo()
3) orElse(r)  

In order to execute a method, its actual parameters must be evaluated. To call orElse(getDefaultPoJo()), getDefaultPoJo() must be invoked as well. That's the reason you are getting more than you expected.

Usually, you will see


where null, and defaultValue are predefined values that don't require any calculations.

On the other hand, we write

.orElseGet(() -> generateDefaultValue());
.orElseGet(() -> calculateDefaultOutcome());

where generateDefaultValue and calculateDefaultOutcome are methods that do perform some calculations (intensive ones or ones we don't want to execute until the right moment [your case]).


.orElseGet(() -> createDefaultPoJo());

where DEFAULT_POJO is a variable initialised prior to this method call, and createDefaultPoJo() is a method that creates a default instance every time it gets called.

The output is correct, Optional.orElse() will allways execute the else-action. (the expression you provide) Use orElseGet() -which only calls the function if Optional.isPresent == false- for your desired output:

Difference between `Optional.orElse()` and `Optional.orElseGet()`

