get host with underscores

The bug is not in Java but in naming the host, since an underscore is not a valid character in a hostname. Although widely used incorrectly, Java refuses to handle such hostnames.

A possible workaround:

public static void main(String...a) throws URISyntaxException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
    URI url = new URI("");
    System.out.println(url.getHost()); //NULL

    URI uriObj = new URI("");
    if (uriObj.getHost() == null) {
        final Field hostField = URI.class.getDeclaredField("host");
        hostField.set(uriObj, "");
    System.out.println(uriObj.getHost()); //

    URI url2 = new URI("");
    System.out.println(url2.getHost());  //

Underscore support could be added right into URI by patching:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    patchUriField(35184372088832L, "L_DASH");
    patchUriField(2147483648L, "H_DASH");
    URI s = URI.create("http://my_favorite_host:3892");
    // prints "my_favorite_host"

private static void patchUriField(Long maskValue, String fieldName)
        throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchFieldException {
        Field field = URI.class.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
        Field modifiers = Field.class.getDeclaredField("modifiers");
        modifiers.setInt(field, field.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL);
        field.setLong(null, maskValue);