Java enum-based state machine (FSM): Passing in events

Why not have events call the right callback on state directly?

public enum State {
   abstract State processFoo();
   abstract State processBar();
   State processBat() { return this; } // A default implementation, so that states that do not use this event do not have to implement it anyway.
   State1 {
     State processFoo() { return State2; }
   State2 {
      State processFoo() { return State1; }

public enum  Event {
   abstract State dispatch(State state);
   Foo {
      State dispatch(State s) { return s.processFoo(); }
   Bar {
      State dispatch(State s) { return s.processBar(); }

This addresses both of your reservations with the original approach: no "ugly" switch, and no "awkward" additional parameters.

So you want to dispatch events to their handlers for the current state.

To dispatch to the current state, subscribing each state as it becomes active, and unsubscribing it as it becomes inactive is rather cumbersome. It is easier to subscribe an object that knows the active state, and simply delegates all events to the active state.

To distinguish events, you can use separate event objects, and then distinguish them with the visitor pattern, but that's quite a bit of boilerplate code. I'd only do this if I have other code that treats all events the same (for instance, if events must be buffered before delivery). Otherwise, I'd simply do something like

interface StateEventListener {
    void onEventX();
    void onEventY(int x, int y);
    void onEventZ(String s);

enum State implements StateEventListener {
    initialState {
        @Override public void onEventX() {
            // do whatever
        // same for other events
    // same for other states

class StateMachine implements StateEventListener {
    State currentState;

    @Override public void onEventX() {

    @Override public void onEventY(int x, int y) {
        currentState.onEventY(x, y);

    @Override public void onEventZ(String s) {


If you have many event types, it might be better to generate the boring delegation code at runtime using a bytecode engineering library, or even a plain JDK proxy:

class StateMachine2 {
    State currentState;

    final StateEventListener stateEventPublisher = buildStateEventForwarder(); 

    StateEventListener buildStateEventForwarder() {
        Class<?>[] interfaces = {StateEventListener.class};
        return (StateEventListener) Proxy.newProxyInstance(getClass().getClassLoader(), interfaces, new InvocationHandler() {
            public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
                try {
                    return method.invoke(currentState, args);
                } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
                    throw e.getCause();

This makes the code less readable, but does eliminate the need to write delegation code for each event type.