Java avoid race condition WITHOUT synchronized/lock

Avoid state.
Make your application as stateless as it is possible.
Each thread (sequence of actions) should take a context in the beginning and use this context passing it from method to method as a parameter.

When this technique does not solve all your problems, use the Event-Driven mechanism (+Messaging Queue).
When your code has to share something with other components it throws event (message) to some kind of bus (topic, queue, whatever).

Components can register listeners to listen for events and react appropriately.
In this case there are no race conditions (except inserting events to the queue). If you are using ready-to-use queue and not coding it yourself it should be efficient enough.

Also, take a look at the Actors model.

Well, first off Atomic classes uses locking (via synchronized and volatile keywords) just as you'd do if you did it yourself by hand.

Second, immutability works great for multi-threading, you no longer need monitor locks and such, but that's because you can only read your immutables, you cand modify them.

You can't get rid of synchronized/volatile if you want to avoid race conditions in a multithreaded Java program (i.e. if the multiple threads cand read AND WRITE the same data). Your best bet is, if you want better performance, to avoid at least some of the built in thread safe classes which do sort of a more generic locking, and make your own implementation which is more tied to your context and thus might allow you to use more granullar synchronization & lock aquisition.

Check out this implementation of BlockingCache done by the Ehcache guys;

Atomics are indeed more efficient than classic locks due to their non-blocking behavior i.e. a thread waiting to access the memory location will not be context switched, which saves a lot of time.

Probably the best guideline when synchronization is needed is to see how you can reduce the critical section size as much as possible. General ideas include:

  1. Use read-write locks instead of full locks when only a part of the threads need to write.
  2. Find ways to restructure code in order to reduce the size of critical sections.
  3. Use atomics when updating a single variable.
  4. Note that some algorithms and data structures that traditionally need locks have lock-free versions (they are more complicated however).