CSV to JSON in Typescript

You are passing File to csvJSON method instead of file's text. You can use FileReader to read its content. Here's an example

const convertFile = () => {
  const input = document.getElementById('fileInput');

  const reader = new FileReader();
  reader.onload = () => {
    let text = reader.result;
    console.log('CSV: ', text.substring(0, 100) + '...');
    //convert text to json here
    //var json = this.csvJSON(text);
<input type='file' onchange='convertFile(event)' id='fileInput'>

Here is my work on CSV to JSON worked perfectly.

Stackbliz Demo


import { Component, OnInit, ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core';
import { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr';

  selector: 'app-contact-imports',
  templateUrl: './contact-imports.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./contact-imports.component.scss']

export class ContactImportsComponent implements OnInit {

  csvContent: string;
  contacts: Array<any> = [];
  properties:any = "";
  flag:boolean = false;
  constructor( private toastr: ToastrService) { }
  ngOnInit() {

  onFileLoad(fileLoadedEvent) {
    const textFromFileLoaded = fileLoadedEvent.target.result;
    this.csvContent = textFromFileLoaded;

    //Flag is for extracting first line
    let flag = false;
    // Main Data
    let objarray: Array<any> = [];
    let prop: Array<any> = [];
    //Total Length
    let size: any = 0;

    for (const line of this.csvContent.split(/[\r\n]+/)) {

      if (flag) {

        let obj = {};
        for (let k = 0; k < size; k++) {
          //Dynamic Object Properties
          obj[prop[k]] = line.split(',')[k]

      } else {
        //First Line of CSV will be having Properties
        for (let k = 0; k < line.split(',').length; k++) {
          size = line.split(',').length;
          //Removing all the spaces to make them usefull
          prop.push(line.split(',')[k].replace(/ /g, ''));
        flag = true;
    this.contacts = objarray;
    this.properties = [];
    this.properties = prop;
    this.flag = true;

    // console.log(this.csvContent);

  onFileSelect(input: HTMLInputElement) {

    const files = input.files;
    var fileTypes = ['csv'];  //acceptable file types

    if (files && files.length) {
      var extension = input.files[0].name.split('.').pop().toLowerCase(),  //file extension from input file
      isSuccess = fileTypes.indexOf(extension) > -1;  //is extension in acceptable types
      //  console.log("Filename: " + files[0].name);
      // console.log("Type: " + files[0].type);
      //  console.log("Size: " + files[0].size + " bytes");
        const fileToRead = files[0];

        const fileReader = new FileReader();
        fileReader.onload = this.onFileLoad;
        fileReader.readAsText(fileToRead, "UTF-8");
        this.toastr.error("Invalid File Type", 'Failed');




 <div class="container-fluid">
      <div class="col-md-6">
          <img src="https://img.icons8.com/color/48/000000/csv.png"/> 
          <span class="text-muted" style="font-size: 22px;">Import Contacts From CSV</span>
          <div class="form-group">
                 <input class="form-control" accept=".csv" id="csv" type="file" (change)="onFileSelect($event.target)" name="myfile">



<input type="file" accept=".csv (change)="csv2Array($event)">


csv2Array(fileInput: any){
//read file from input
this.fileReaded = fileInput.target.files[0];

let reader: FileReader = new FileReader();

 reader.onload = (e) => {
 let csv: string = reader.result;
 let allTextLines = csv.split(/\r|\n|\r/);
 let headers = allTextLines[0].split(',');
 let lines = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < allTextLines.length; i++) {
    // split content based on comma
    let data = allTextLines[i].split(',');
    if (data.length === headers.length) {
      let tarr = [];
      for (let j = 0; j < headers.length; j++) {

     // log each row to see output 
 // all rows in the csv file 
 console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", lines);