Itertools zip_longest with first item of each sub-list as padding values in stead of None by default

You can peek into each of the iterators via next in order to extract the first item ("head"), then create a sentinel object that marks the end of the iterator and finally chain everything back together in the following way: head -> remainder_of_iterator -> sentinel -> it.repeat(head).

This uses it.repeat to replay the first item ad infinitum once the end of the iterator has been reached, so we need to introduce a way to stop that process once the last iterator hits its sentinel object. For this we can (ab)use the fact that map stops iterating if the mapped function raises (or leaks) a StopIteration, such as from next invoked on an already exhausted iterator. Alternatively we can use the 2-argument form of iter to stop on a sentinel object (see below).

So we can map the chained iterators over a function that checks for each item whether it is sentinel and performs the following steps:

  1. if item is sentinel then consume a dedicated iterator that yields one item fewer than the total number of iterators via next (hence leaking StopIteration for the last sentinel) and replace the sentinel with the corresponding head.
  2. else just return the original item.

Finally we can just zip the iterators together - it will stop on the last one hitting its sentinel object, i.e. performing a "zip-longest".

In summary, the following function performs the steps described above:

import itertools as it

def solution(*iterables):
    iterators = [iter(i) for i in iterables]  # make sure we're operating on iterators
    heads = [next(i) for i in iterators]  # requires each of the iterables to be non-empty
    sentinel = object()
    iterators = [it.chain((head,), iterator, (sentinel,), it.repeat(head))
                 for iterator, head in zip(iterators, heads)]
    # Create a dedicated iterator object that will be consumed each time a 'sentinel' object is found.
    # For the sentinel corresponding to the last iterator in 'iterators' this will leak a StopIteration.
    running = it.repeat(None, len(iterators) - 1)
    iterators = [map(lambda x, h: next(running) or h if x is sentinel else x,  # StopIteration causes the map to stop iterating
                     iterator, it.repeat(head))
                 for iterator, head in zip(iterators, heads)]
    return zip(*iterators)

If leaking StopIteration from the mapped function in order to terminate the map iterator feels too awkward then we can slightly modify the definition of running to yield an additional sentinel and use the 2-argument form of iter in order to stop on sentinel:

running = it.chain(it.repeat(None, len(iterators) - 1), (sentinel,))
iterators = [...]  # here the conversion to map objects remains unchanged
return zip(*[iter(i.__next__, sentinel) for i in iterators])

If the name resolution for sentinel and running from inside the mapped function is a concern, they can be included as arguments to that function:

iterators = [map(lambda x, h, s, r: next(r) or h if x is s else x,
                 iterator, it.repeat(head), it.repeat(sentinel), it.repeat(running))
             for iterator, head in zip(iterators, heads)]