Is using “feature branches” compatible with refactoring?

I like this provoking thesis ('giving up refactoring'), because it enriches discussion :)

I agree that you have to be very careful with bigger refactoring when having lots of parallel codelines, because conflicts can increase integration work a lot and even cause introducing regression-bugs during merging.

Because of this with refactoring vs. feature-branches problem, there are lots of tradeoffs. Therefore I decide on a case by case basis:

  • On feature-branches I only do refactorings if they prepare my feature to be easier to implement. I always try to focus on the feature only. Branches should differ from trunk/mainline at least as possible.
  • Taking it reverse I sometimes even have refactoring branches, where I do bigger refactorings (reverting multiple steps is very easy and I don't distract my trunk colleagues). Of course I will tell my team, that I am doing this refactoring and try to plan to do it during a clean-up development cycle (call it sprint if you like).
  • If your mentioned politics are a big thing, then I would encapsulate the refactoring efforts internally and add it to estimation. In my view customers in middle-terms will see faster progress when having better code-quality. Most likely the won't understand refactoring (which makes sense, because this out of their scope...), so I hide this from them
  • What I would never do is to refactor on a release-branch, whose target is stability. Only bug-fixes are allowed there.

As summary I would plan my refactorings depending on codeline:

  • feature-branch: only smaller ones (if they "help" my feature)
  • refactoring-branch: for bigger ones, where the refactoring target isn't completely clear (I often call them "scribble refactorings")
  • trunk/mainline: OK, but I have to communicate with developers on feature-branches to not create an integration nightmare.
  • release-branch: never ever

Feature branches certainly make refactoring much harder. They also make things like continuous integration and deployment harder, because you are ballooning the number of parallel development streams that need to be built an tested. You are also obviating the central tenet of "continuous integration" -- that everyone is working on the same codebase and "continuously" integrating their changes with the rest of the team's changes. Typically, when feature branches are in use, the feature branch isn't continuously built or tested, so the first time the "feature branch" code gets run through the production build/test/deploy process is when it is "done" and merged into the trunk. This can introduce a whole host of problems at a late and critical stage of your development process.

I hold the controversial opinion that you should avoid feature branches at (nearly) all costs. The cost of merging is very high, and (perhaps more importantly) the opportunity cost of failing to "continuously integrate" into a shared code base is even higher.

In your scenario, are you sure you need a separate feature branch for each client's feature(s)? Could you instead develop those features in the trunk but leave them disabled until they are ready?. Generally, I think it is better to develop "features" this way -- check them in to trunk even if they aren't production-ready, but leave them out of the application until they are ready. This practice also encourages you to keep your components well-factored and shielded behind well-designed interfaces. The "feature branch" approach gives you the excuse to make sweeping changes across the code base to implement the new feature.