How can I test JQuery UI Sortable with Cucumber

I'm using a web step like this and it works fine:

When /^I drag "([^"]*)" on top$/ do |name|
  item = Item.find_by_name(name)
  sleep 0.2
  src  = find("#item_id_#{}")
  dest = find("div.title")

the drag_to method did not work for me. But I was able to cause the first element in my list to be dragged to the last position by including the following in my capybara selenium test using jquery.simulate.js :

page.execute_script %Q{
  $.getScript("/javascripts/jquery.simulate.js", function(){ 
    distance_between_elements = $('.task:nth-child(2)').offset().top - $('.task:nth-child(1)').offset().top;
    height_of_elements = $('.task:nth-child(1)').height();
    dy = (distance_between_elements * ( $('.task').size() - 1 )) + height_of_elements/2;

    first = $('.task:first');
    first.simulate('drag', {dx:0, dy:dy});

I have developed a JQuery plugin to solve this problem, check out jquery.simulate.drag-sortable.js which includes a plugin along with a suite of tests and examples.

Hope you find this useful! Feedback is welcome.
