Is there any way to use mbutil on Windows?

Per the answer by BradHards, yes it is a Python script so it will work in Windows. I was able to use it in Windows 7 after installing ActivePython.

(I first tried using IronPython but ran into problems with getting the required sqlite module to work)

  1. Install ActivePython or another python that has sqlite.
  2. Install mbutil (I just downloaded the zip archive and extracted to c:\)
  3. From command line, run " install" to install mbutils
  4. From command line, I copied mb-util > for convenience. So you can use "" instead of "python mb-util"
  5. Run " -h", you should see the help information and now be able to use mbutil!

Its a python script, so it should run anywhere. If you don't have python for Windows, you may like to download and install ActiveState python.

Rather trying to use git on windows, the easiest way to get the python script is via a .zip download provided by github. The direct URL:

Unzip that, and you should be able to run it on a command line window.

You can try cygwin software :

1.Copy the .mbtiles file to cygwin. Assuming that you installed "cygwin" at it's default directory the user home is mapped to c:\cygwin\home\

2.Run the following command: mb-util --scheme=osm Freguesias.mbtiles Freguesias

hope it will help you..

Nice explanation available on following Pedros'blog
