Connecting to ArcGIS Desktop PostgreSQL database (running locally)

The problem here was that I had not installed the client files, so I couldn't connect to the database.

Rookie mistake through and through.

I copied libeay32.dll, libiconv-2.dll, libintl-8.dll, libpq.dll, and ssleay32.dll from the PostgreSQL folder and put it into the ArcGIS10.1 \Bin\ folder. Then it would connect up just like it should.

Thanks for all the help on this!

If you're using ArcGis 10.1: Download the postgrsql-9.0.5 from here It has a windows installer, unlike most of the other sites I found. This is the 32-bit version which is required by ArcGIS 10.1.

Open ArcCatalog: Add Database Connection. Select PostgreSQL from the datbase platform drop down. Instance is: localhost, 5432 (notice the comma. Colons don't work!!) username: postgres password: postgres

You should now be able to use the database drop down to select your db.

you mention you tried localhost;54321

it should be colon


I have this working on Windows using ArcGIS 10.1

What version are you using?