Is there any reporting tool or a gem in Ruby on Rails

Have a look the question I asked another day: is there any Ruby or Rails reporting tools based on customizable templates?

Thin Reports and ODF report are very good. If you need to compare more reporting gems try The Ruby Box: reporting section. There are few other good reporting tools as well.

here is my summary about thin reports and ODF report:

Thin Reports: It is really good. You download a template editor then you define your own report template then by combine the thinreports gems you can get SVG or PDF report out of your application.

ODF Report: It uses ODF file as template which can be edit by OpenOffice and MS Word 2010. Then You get your report out.

you can use the new gem active reporting and here is talk about in rails conf 2017

For graphical reports, check out the answers to this question:

Ruby on Rails: What Reporting and/or Charting Tools Are Available?

For raw stats, I've been using the statistics gem - I'm not sure if it's still maintained.