Right align text in android TextView

android:layout_gravity is used to align the text view with respect to the parent layout. android:gravity is used to align the text inside the text view.

Are you sure you are trying to align the text inside the text view to the right or do you want to move the text view itself to the right with respect to the parent layout or are you trying to acheive both

In general, android:gravity="right" is different from android:layout_gravity="right".

The first one affects the position of the text itself within the View, so if you want it to be right-aligned, then layout_width= should be either "fill_parent" or "match_parent".

The second one affects the View's position inside its parent, in other words - aligning the object itself (edit box or text view) inside the parent view.

I think that you are doing this: android:layout_width = "wrap_content"
If this is the case, do this: android:layout_width = "match_parent"

The better solution is the one that is the most simple, and the one that does less modification in your code behaviour.

What if you can solve this problem only with 2 Properties on your TextView?

Instead of needing to change your LinearLayout Properties that maybe can alter the behaviour of LinearLayout childs?

Using this way, you do not need to change LinearLayout properties and behaviour, you only need to add the two following properties to your target TextView:


What would be better to change only your target to solve your solution instead of having a chance to cause another problem in the future, modifying your target father? think about it :)