Android - Is there an XMPP (Jabber) client for Android that supports video calling?

No there is no federated XMPP Client for Android that supports video calling. Federated because there many proprietary XMPP Clients that do so, but they work only within their own network.

The reason because there is no such XMPP client is pretty simple: Jingle (the XEP which is used for XMPP video calling), is pretty new and most XMPP libraries don't support it yet. This is especially true for the most relevant XMPP library Smack (relevant because it's a Java library). Smack has some Jingle components, but the development on them stopped years ago and they don't seem up to date.

Update: Jingle development in Smack gained some traction in the last months.

We all wait for the Android Version of Jitsi which is probably out by next year. It's announced for some time though.