Is there a window manager that allows tabs of multiple different programs in one window? (Like Windows 10 Sets)?

I'm not familiar with that windows 10 feature, but it looks similar to window manager tabbing which had been around for quite a while.

I first encountered it in fluxbox over 10 years ago, but plenty of other WMs have that feature. It basically allows you to drag and drop a window onto another and the window manager will tab them together.

You can see it in action here

This table of Window Managers shows Linux Window Managers with tabbed windows include:

xmonad, wmii, Window Maker, WMFS, PekWM, Ion, i3, FVWM, Fluxbox, and Compiz.

Some Desktop Environments are locked in to a specific Window Manager (e.g., Cinnamon), but GNOME and KDE are not.