Is there a simple way to force matrix brackets to stretch according to phantom contents of `array` environment?

Here is a solution with saveboxes:


    % ========== Table packages ==========

        \newcommand{\arraystretchdefault}{ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{\arraystretchdefaultl} }



    % ========== Equations and math packages ==========
    \usepackage{amssymb, amsfonts}
    \usepackage[defaultmathsizes, italic, eulergreek, symbolre, symbolmisc]{mathastext}


            V_{R, \thinspace i}
            V_{R, \thinspace j}
    \right] &=
        \savebox{\mybox}{\hbox{\(\begin{array}{c !{\vrule width 0.25mm}c c}
            \bar{\mathnormalbold{Z}}_{GG} & \bar{\mathnormalbold{Z}}_{GR_{i}} & \bar{\mathnormalbold{Z}}_{GR_{j}}
            \bar{\mathnormalbold{Z}}_{R_{i}G} & \bar{Z}_{RR, \thinspace ii} & \bar{Z}_{RR, \thinspace ij}
            \bar{\mathnormalbold{Z}}_{R_{j}G} & \bar{Z}_{RR, \thinspace ij} & \bar{Z}_{R, \thinspace jj}
            \bar{I}_{R, \thinspace i}
            \bar{I}_{R, \thinspace j}
\bar{\mathnormalbold{Z}}_{bus} &=
        \begin{array}{c !{\vrule width 0.25mm}c c}
            \bar{\mathnormalbold{Z}}_{GG} & \bar{\mathnormalbold{Z}}_{GR_{i}} & \bar{\mathnormalbold{Z}}_{GR_{j}}
            \bar{\mathnormalbold{Z}}_{R_{i}G} & \bar{Z}_{RR, \thinspace ii} & \bar{Z}_{RR, \thinspace ij}
            \bar{\mathnormalbold{Z}}_{R_{j}G} & \bar{Z}_{RR, \thinspace ij} & \bar{Z}_{R, \thinspace jj}


It could be better to put this functionality inside a \newcommand of course. Feel free to ask me for this if this way seems ok to you.

enter image description here