Math Saturation Symbol

First create a standalone version of your icon, here in saturation.tex:




\foreach \x in {center,north east,north west,north,south,south east,south west}{
\pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y


\node[record,minimum size=1cm,fill=blue!30,draw] (a) {};

enter image description here

Then, use this code to include it as the height of the local value of 1ex, with a little horizontal gap on each side. This code will adjust to the current font size (so no problem if you go Huge) as well as to the current math style (\scriptstyle and \scriptscriptstyle):

Here is \sat.
In math, $A_{\sat}$

enter image description here

Obviously, you can change the size by adjusting 1\LMex to something different. You can adjust the gap by adjusting the .5\LMpt to something different, and you can change the color and line thickness in the original tikz code.

For example, by changing the color at saturation.tex to gray!5 and adding a thick specification to the draw, one gets this:

enter image description here

That carries over directly into the main document, where I have changed the height specification to 1.3\LMex, to arrive at:

enter image description here


To help the OP with a follow up request to eliminate the border and axes, replace saturation.tex with this:

\coordinate (A) at (-.5,-.4);
\coordinate (B) at (-.3,-.4);
\coordinate (C) at (+.3,+.4);
\coordinate (D) at (+.5,+.4);
\draw [black, thick] (A)--(B)--(C)--(D);

enter image description here

Then, with the document code definition that


we arrive at

Here is \sat.
In math, $A_{\sat}$

enter image description here

I'm not sure if this is what you want, but you can design your own symbol without tikz. Use \mathchoice to allow for use as a subscript or subsubscript.

enter image description here

Here is the code:

\usepackage{calc} % needed to subtract from \hght


{\settowidth{\wdth}{$\scriptstyle /$}\settoheight{\hght}{$\scriptstyle /$}\settodepth{\dpth}{$\scriptstyle /$}%
    \rule[-\dpth]{.2em}{.08ex}\hspace{-.17\wdth}\scriptstyle /%
{\settowidth{\wdth}{$\scriptstyle /$}\settoheight{\hght}{$\scriptscriptstyle /$}\settodepth{\dpth}{$\scriptscriptstyle /$}%
    \rule[-\dpth]{.15em}{.07ex}\hspace{-.19\wdth}\scriptscriptstyle /%


$A\sat B_{A\sat B_{A\sat B}}$


If you want longer or shorter tails you can adjust the lengths in the \rule parameters. The .25em (or .2em for subscript, .18em for subsubscript) controls the length.

With picture mode:



      \scriptscriptfont\fi\fi\fi 3



$A\saturation B_{A\saturation B_{A\saturation B}}$


The command \saturation@linethickess is an old trick of mine, see

enter image description here

I chose to make the symbol the same vertical size as |; the width is 60% of the height and the three parts have equal width. Feel free to change the proportions. You can get it wider with


enter image description here