Is there a reliable python library for taking a BibTex entry and outputting it into specific formats?

There are the following projects:

  • BibtexParser
  • Pybtex
  • Pybliographer
  • BabyBib

If you need complex parsing and output, Pybtex is recommended. Example:

>>> from pybtex.database.input import bibtex
>>> parser = bibtex.Parser()
>>> bib_data = parser.parse_file('examples/foo.bib')
>>> bib_data.entries.keys()
[u'ruckenstein-diffusion', u'viktorov-metodoj', u'test-inbook', u'test-booklet']
>>> print bib_data.entries['ruckenstein-diffusion'].fields['title']
Predicting the Diffusion Coefficient in Supercritical Fluids

Good luck.

Having tried them, all of these projects are bad, for various reasons: terrible APIs, bad documentation, and a failure to parse valid BibTeX files. The implementation you want doesn't show up in most Google searches, from my own searching: it's biblib. This text from the README should sell it:

There are a lot of BibTeX parsers out there. Most of them are complete nonsense based on some imaginary grammar made up by the module's author that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike BibTeX's actual grammar. BibTeX has a grammar. It's even pretty simple, though it's probably not what you think it is. The hardest part of BibTeX's grammar is that it's only written down in one place: the BibTeX source code.