Accessing handlebars variable via javascript

The value of needs to be output as a valid JavaScript expression if you want to include it in within a <script>, which will be reevaluating it as code.

Currently, if is "john.doe" for example, the resulting script will be:

var foo = john.doe; // `john` is treated as an object with a `doe` property

The at least needs to be in quotes so it's understood as a string value/literal.

var foo = "{{}}";
// result
var foo = "john.doe";

You can also take advantage of JSON and JavaScript's similarities in syntax, outputting JSON that JavaScript can understand as an Expression, and will already include the quotes.

Handlebars.registerHelper('json', function (content) {
    return JSON.stringify(content);
var foo = {{{json}}};
// result
var foo = "john.doe";

Note the triple {{{...}}} in the last example to disable HTML encoding, so you don't end up with:

var foo = &quot;john.doe&quot;

Node can pass encoded JSON to the handlebars-view like this:

result.render('index', { 
  encodedJson : encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(jsonData))

The handlebars-view can decode and parse the json like so:

  var decodedJson = decodeURIComponent("{{{encodedJson}}}");
  var jsonObj = JSON.parse(decodedJson);

Since anything passed to a handlebars-view will basically be injected straight into HTML, you should always pass encoded json and let the view decode it.

I tried the other suggestions in this thread. But they injected unencoded JSON into the handlebars view and that always gave me parsing errors. I have no idea how people got that to work, since it seems like Handlebars will parse variables as plain text.

I have not read up on how the Handlebars parser works - but it seems to me the only safe option is to use encoded JSON, like how I suggest in my examples.