Is there a possibility of there ever being a PHP.NET?

As an aside:

I don't believe .Net support for PHP would be a great idea.

I use PHP every day of my life. It's not because I like the language (it's a collection of mismatched functions with very little OO support), but rather because it's the best tool for the job.

PHP has a lightweight feel and one can do almost anything in a few easy lines. It's string handling is effortless, and support is ubiquitous. Array handling is great, too.

I feel that if PHP joined the .Net CLR I would not be tempted to switch over to use it. If one wanted to work with .Net one would do better to use a nicer, better structured language, such as C#.

Someone has actually already begun working on just such a thing

I would say that it is unlikely as that there is, but I would not say never because of Python.NET or IronPython. There is already one attempt called Phalanger. From the looks of the official wiki, its a serious development effort.



