PHP convert nested array to single array while concatenating keys?

Here is a function which allows you to specify a top-level prefix via the second parameter:

function flatten_array($array, $prefix = null) {
  if ($prefix) $prefix .= '_';

  $items = array();

  foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
    if (is_array($value))
      $items = array_merge($items,  flatten_array($value, $prefix . $key));
      $items[$prefix . $key] = $value;

  return $items;

Something like this:

function makeNonNestedRecursive(array &$out, $key, array $in){
    foreach($in as $k=>$v){
            makeNonNestedRecursive($out, $key . $k . '_', $v);
            $out[$key . $k] = $v;

function makeNonNested(array $in){
    $out = array();
    makeNonNestedRecursive($out, '', $in);
    return $out;

// Example
$fooCompressed = makeNonNested($foo);

I think this 'trick' using is http_build_query is less of an eyesore w/out recursion (or at least letting php do it for you)

3 lines of code if your str_replace uses the url-encoded values for [ and ]

$string      = http_build_query($array);
$string      = urldecode($string);
$string      = str_replace(
                    array('_','') , 
parse_str($string, $flat_array);

$flat_array becomes :

array(7) {
  ["employer_name"]         =>"Foobar Inc"
  ["employer_phone"]        =>"555-555-5555"
  ["employee_name"]         =>"John Doe"
  ["employee_phone"]        =>"555-555-5556"
  ["employee_address_zip"]  =>"90210"
  ["modified"]              =>"2009-12-01"