Apple - Is there a GUI SSH client for OS X?

If you are looking for something that keeps track of servers/connections via a GUI, will already do that for you. Launch it and then from the menu select Shell > New Remote Connection. This will give you a connections manager window.

New Remote Connection Window

The best GUI application for SSH (and everything else you can do on the command line) is iTerm 2. While the original iTerm had a tabbed interface before Terminal did, iTerm 2 again eclipses Terminal by adding:

  • Support for 256 colors (you'll never go back to 16 colors after using 256)
  • Split panes (the sort of thing you can do in GNU screen or tmux, but at the level of the terminal emulator rather than in a program running on the server)
  • Special provision for integrating with tmux (an alternative to GNU screen, and which most people regard as better & faster than screen)
  • Terminal-level auto-completion (I don't use this feature so I can't detail how it has advantages over shell-level autocompletion: especially if you use the fish shell or zsh, then it may not be better)
  • Growl support
  • an Exposé-like view of your tabs
  • a full-screen view (and you can choose from either its own or OS X's built-in full-screen mode; I greatly prefer iTerm's own full-screen mode, since it doesn't force you to move to a new 'Space', thus allowing Command-Tab to still work properly)
  • paste history (a good complement to the shells' command histories)
  • Search
  • Instant Replay

and a lot more. Some are mentioned here but some are not, such as co-processes, triggers,smart selection, semantic history, and so on. Development is pretty active, but documentation seems to lag behind. I highly recommend it. I've been using it for years now and have never missed Terminal.

(It's possible Terminal does some of the things I mention here--it's been so long since I've used it that I don't recall, but when I switched I paid close attention to the differences and there were lots of advantages to iTerm. And it keeps getting better every few weeks or months.)

You could also take a look as ZOC6 seems pretty cool.

ZOC6 product page