Apple - Reading List in other browsers?

To add the active tab in Google Chrome to Safari's reading list:

Adapted from a comment by tzarskyz on: Add a URL from Chrome to Safari's reading list

tell application "Google Chrome"
    set pageUrl to get URL of active tab of first window
end tell
tell application "Safari" to add reading list item pageUrl
display notification pageUrl with title "Added to Reading List"

Open AppleScript Editor and save the above code as a new script. From that point on, you can run this script to add the active tab in Google Chrome to Safari's reading list. You can trigger this action via Terminal (osascript), by double-clicking the script (in Terminal or on your desktop), via an app launcher like Quicksilver, via Fastscripts, etc.

Enjoy your reading! :)

enter image description here

Update: I've since found a better way to accomplish this, without requiring something like Fastscripts. Simply use OS X's built-in application, Automator. You can adapt the steps outlined at the following link to run the AppleScript I included above: Global HotKey for Pause/Play,Next Song, etc.

You can add things with AppleScript according to this:

So it should be easy to cook up a Firefox extension to call that bit of AppleScript, you can call it form the shell like:

osascript -e 'tell application "Safari" to add reading list item ""'

Which will cause Safari to generate the preview and send it to iCloud, or wherever it goes to.

On a Mac the reading list is stored in /Users/notjonathan/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist so potentially there is a tool out there to read them automatically. The actual syncing is done by Safari. It doesn't just watch the file for changes and upload the changes. You actually have to make the changes from within Safari.

So what you're "stuck" with using services like Pocket, which although slightly less convenient in iOS safari, is imo better. Especailly as other apps, e.g. Tweetbot can integrate with Pocket, but not Safari Reading List.

There is bookmarklet for Pocket available, which you can use in iOS Safari to quickly add pages, with just a few more presses than pressing Add To Reading List.