Is it possible to open a file to a specific line number as formatted in grep -n results?

Well, it's not an alias, you can use vim like this:

vim +<LineNumberHere> fileName

So, for example

vim +150 .bash_history

opens your .bash_history file (for bash), and navigates to line 150.

Incidentally, you can also do this with search terms. For example

vim +/MyTerm MyFile

opens MyFile and navigates to the first occurrence of MyTerm from the top.


One solution to this is to use the file_line.vim plugin, which lets you specify a file name and line number as an argument to Vim or on Vim's command line, just as you've shown.

Another is this script,

$ cat $(which vimgrep)


cat > $tmp
exec < /dev/tty
vim --cmd 'let &efm=&gfm' -q $tmp "$@"
rm $tmp

which can be used like this:

$ grep -Hn xyz .* | vimgrep

and which loads all the matches into Vim's quickfix error list. See

:help quickfix.txt

Note the -H option to grep to ensure that the file name is included in grep's output even if .* expands to only one file name.



