replace lines in one file with lines in another by line number

Using awk:

awk -v a='2,4,5,7' -v b='1,2,5,8' '
BEGIN { split(a, ax, ","); split(b, bx, ",");
        for(n in ax) mapping[ bx[n] ] =ax[n];
NR==FNR { if (FNR in mapping) hold[ mapping[FNR] ]=$0; next; };
{ print (FNR in hold)? hold[FNR]: $0; }' fileB fileA

Here, we pass line numbers as an awk -variable in a='...' (for fileA) and b='...' (for fileB), then we split() them into an array on comma character as the separator (note that a and b were variables, while now ax and bx are arrays).

then we build a another mapping array from ax and bx arrays to map the lines which those should be replaced in fileA with the ones from fileB;

now keys (or indexes) of the mapping array is line numbers of the fileB and the values of these keys are the line numbers of the fileA, as below:

the mapping array is:

Key    Value
1      2
2      4
5      5
8      7

so now what we need, that is, just to read the line numbers from fileB that match with the keys above (FNRs of 1, 2, 5 and 8), so we do that with:

NR==FNR { if (FNR in mapping) hold[ mapping[FNR] ]=$0; next; };

OK, now what is the value of the mapping[FNR]? if you check the mapping array above, that would be:

mapping[1] --> 2; then-we-have    hold[ mapping[1] ] --> hold[2]=$0
mapping[2] --> 4; then-we-have    hold[ mapping[2] ] --> hold[4]=$0
mapping[5] --> 5; then-we-have    hold[ mapping[5] ] --> hold[5]=$0
mapping[8] --> 7; then-we-have    hold[ mapping[8] ] --> hold[7]=$0

so we used the value of mapping array as the key for the hold array and hold array is now contains:

Key     Value
2       Argentina
4       Switzerland
5       Denmark
7       Colombia

now the last step is to use keys in hold array as the matched line number in fileA and replace that lines with the values of that key from the hold array if that line number found in the array or print the line itself if not found (Ternary operator: condition? if-true : if-false), and we do that with:

{ print (FNR in hold)? hold[FNR]: $0; }

Using standard sed:

$ printf '%ds/^/%dc\\\\\\\n/p\n' 1 2 2 4 5 5 8 7 | sed -n -f /dev/stdin fileB | sed -f /dev/stdin fileA

The command pipeline,

printf '%ds/^/%dc\\\\\\\n/p\n' 1 2 2 4 5 5 8 7 |
sed -n -f /dev/stdin fileB |
sed -f /dev/stdin fileA

first generates a sed substitute statement for each pair of line numbers using printf. The output of the printf call is the following sed script:


This sed script acts on line 1, 2, 5, and 8, and inserts nc\ followed by a literal newline (for some line number n) at the start of the affected lines.

Running this across fileB (with sed -n) generates a new sed script:


The c command replaces a line with the text following the \, so the script will replace lines 2, 4, 5, and 7.

Applying this to fileA generates the result.

Reading the line numbers from a file in which the first column contains line numbers for fileB, and the second column contains line numbers for fileA:

$ cat number-pairs
1 2
2 4
5 5
8 7
$ awk '{ printf "%ds/^/%dc\\\\\\\n/p\n", $1, $2 }' number-pairs | sed -n -f /dev/stdin fileB | sed -f /dev/stdin fileA

You may obviously swap $1 and $2 in he awk expression if you want to store the columns in the opposite order.