Installing iPython: "ImportError cannot import name path"?

It appears that pickleshare is in package IPython.utils. Try tying

from IPython.utils.pickleshare import PickleShareDB 

Similarly, path is in IPython.external. Try typing

from IPython.external.path import path as Path

In either case, I would check if following files exist.


All this points to the fact that probably your IPython/notebook version is old. A couple of solutions would be

1) Try editing files in site-packages and changing import lines to

from IPython.external.path import path as Path
from IPython.utils.pickleshare import PickleShareDB

But that's kind of risky, who knows what else might fail.

Otherwise, try upgrading ipython/notebook

pip install ipython --upgrade
pip install "ipython[notebook]" --upgrade

Looks like this is a known issue, caused by a change in the package. Reverting to an older version of solves this :

sudo pip3 install -I

I had similar issues and rolling back to an earlier version of did not not help. I uninstalled the package and then IPython Notebook worked.

pip uninstall -y


