React-native Xcode build fails -> 'RCTAssert.h file not found'

The test application can't find the header because it's not in the header search path.

In the left hand file list, hit the top left "folder" icon, then select your application at top left. In this case "AwesomeProject".

To the right of that, where the application icon appears, hold down to change to AwesomeProjectTests.

On the right side, click on the 'Build settings' tab.

Then scroll down to Header Search Paths and change "$(SRCROOT)/node_modules/react-native/React" to "$(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native/React".

The app should now compile.

It's an issue in 0.10.0, and it has been fixed just now.

You need to re-generate your project. Refer to this PR:

I got the same issue as daniel but I already have the right path in xcode ...

0.10.0 is my version

seeing same issue here and it seems react-native is latest on 0.10.0, i was using 0.8.0 and was running fine. May be to disable the test target for now?


React Native