Install Adobe CS5 on Mac with case-sensitive Filesystem

You can try this, it works for me with photoshop CS6

  • Make sure you have Xcode 4 installed
  • get the code:

    hg clone ssh://[email protected]/lokkju/adobe_case_sensitive_volumes

  • go into the directory: cd adobe_case_sensitive_volumes
  • make the library: make
  • create a 20GB sparsebundle using Disk Utility, making sure it has a case-insensitive file system, and mount it.
  • create a folder called "Adobe" in your mounted sparsebundle
  • create a folder called "/Applications/Adobe"
  • run the hack (you may have to modify the Makefile to point to the right installer path): sudo make run
  • When you get to the point it asks you to choose an installation directory, choose "/Applications/Adobe"
  • Delete "/Applications/Adobe", and a create a symlink from

    "<your sparsebundle>/Adobe" to "/Applications/Adobe"

  • Now continue your installation as normal
  • Make sure that your sparsebundle is mounted when you want to use Adobe, and just go into /Application/Adobe, and choose what to run.

The only (insignificant) downside is that you have to mount the disk image prior to execute photoshop.

For Photoshop CS5 you can copy over an existing install on a case-sensitive filesystem and rename all the folders so they match. This method has been used with CS3 and CS4. I wrote a script for CS5 as well:

The same procedure seems to work for InDesign CS5 (although I only tested a few things), but Illustrator CS5 gives me trouble, it complains about localized files after the linked libs are corrected.