Indirectly access environment variable

By using an indirect expansion (also sometimes called "variable indirection"),

printf '%s\n' "${!ev}"

This is described in the bash (5.0) manual, in the section titled "Parameter Expansion".

Or, by making ev a name reference (requires bash 4.3+),

declare -n ev=USER
printf '%s\n' "$ev"

This is described in the bash (5.0) manual, just before the section called "Positional Parameters".

If it's only about environment variables, as opposed to shell variables, then on most systems, you can use:

printenv -- "$ev"

For shell variables, with any Bourne-like shell, you can do:

eval 'printf "%s\n" "${'"$ev"}'}"'

Or with zsh:

printf '%s\n' "${(P)ev}"

Or with bash:

printf '%s\n' "${!ev}"

All 3 are arbitrary command injection vulnerabilities if the content of $ev is not under your control.

You can also evaluate the command after the vale for $ev has been substituted:

eval echo "$"$ev

The part "$"$ev resolves to $USER so eval executes echo $USER.


