Systemd Unit File - WantedBy and After

The systemd manual discusses the relationship between Before/After and Requires/Wants/Bindto in the Before=, After= section:

Note that this setting is independent of and orthogonal to the requirement dependencies as configured by Requires=, Wants= or BindsTo=. It is a common pattern to include a unit name in both the After= and Requires= options,

After does not imply Wants or WantedBy, nor does it conflict with those settings.

If both units are triggered to start, After will affect the order, regardless of the dependency chain.

If the module listed in After is not somewhere in the dependency chain, it won't be loaded, since After does not imply any dependency.

WantedBy does not influence the order in which services are started. As stated in systemd unit manual, in the WantedBy and RequiredBy description:

This has the effect that a dependency of type Wants= or Requires= is added from the listed unit to the current unit.

Then in the Wants description it states that it is a weaker version of Requires where it states:

Note that requirement dependencies do not influence the order in which services are started or stopped.