In Python: how can I get the exit status of the previous process run from Bash (i.e. "$?")?

false; export ret=$?; ./


import os
print os.environ['ret']



This may not be possible, because of how a script (of any language, not just Python) gets executed. Try this: create a shell script called with the following contents:

echo $?

Make it executable, then try the following at a shell prompt:

foo # Or any other non-existent command
echo $?  # prints 127
./  # prints 0

I'd have to double-check this, but it seems that all scripts, not just Python scripts, are run in a separate process that doesn't have access to the exit code of the previous command run by the "parent" shell process. Which may explain why Python doesn't (as far as I can tell) give you a way to retrieve the exit code of the previous command like bash's $? — because it would always be 0, no matter what.

I believe your approach of doing command; myscript $? is the best way to achieve what you're trying to do: let the Python script know about the exit code of the previous step.

Update: After seeing your clarification of what you're trying to do, I think your best bet will be to modify your notify script just a little, so that it can take an option like -s or --status (using argparse to make parsing options easier, of course) and send a message based on the status code ("success" if the code was 0, "failure NN" if it was anything else, where NN is the actual code). Then when you type command without your little && notify "success" || notify "failure" trick, while it's still running you can type notify -s $? and get the notification you're looking for, since that will be the next thing that your shell runs after command returns.