Negative array indexing in shared memory based 1d stencil CUDA implementation

You are assuming that in array points to the first position of the memory that has been allocated for this array. However, if you see slide 47, the in array has a halo (orange boxes) of three elements before and after of the data (represented as green cubes).

My assumption is (I have not done the workshop) that the input array is first initialized with an halo and then the pointer is moved in the kernel call. Something like:

stencil_1d<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(in + RADIUS, out);

So, in the kernel, it's safe to do in[-3] because the pointer is not at the beginning of the array.

The answer by pQB is correct. You are supposed to offset the input array pointer by RADIUS.

To show this, I'm providing below a full worked example. Hope it would be beneficial to other users.

(I would say you would need a __syncthreads() after the shared memory loads. I have added it in the below example).

#include <thrust/device_vector.h>

#define RADIUS      3
#define BLOCKSIZE   32

/* iDivUp FUNCTION */
int iDivUp(int a, int b){ return ((a % b) != 0) ? (a / b + 1) : (a / b); }

#define gpuErrchk(ans) { gpuAssert((ans), __FILE__, __LINE__); }
inline void gpuAssert(cudaError_t code, const char *file, int line, bool abort=true)
   if (code != cudaSuccess) 
      fprintf(stderr,"GPUassert: %s %s %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(code), file, line);
      if (abort) exit(code);

/* KERNEL */
__global__ void moving_average(unsigned int *in, unsigned int *out, unsigned int N) {

    __shared__ unsigned int temp[BLOCKSIZE + 2 * RADIUS];

    unsigned int gindexx = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;

    unsigned int lindexx = threadIdx.x + RADIUS;

    // --- Read input elements into shared memory
    temp[lindexx] = (gindexx < N)? in[gindexx] : 0;
    if (threadIdx.x < RADIUS) {
        temp[threadIdx.x] = (((gindexx - RADIUS) >= 0)&&(gindexx <= N)) ? in[gindexx - RADIUS] : 0;
        temp[threadIdx.x + (RADIUS + BLOCKSIZE)] = ((gindexx + BLOCKSIZE) < N)? in[gindexx + BLOCKSIZE] : 0;


    // --- Apply the stencil
    unsigned int result = 0;
    for (int offset = -RADIUS ; offset <= RADIUS ; offset++) {
        result += temp[lindexx + offset];

    // --- Store the result
    out[gindexx] = result;

/* MAIN */
int main() {

    const unsigned int N        = 55 + 2 * RADIUS;

    const unsigned int constant = 4;

    thrust::device_vector<unsigned int> d_in(N, constant);
    thrust::device_vector<unsigned int> d_out(N);

    moving_average<<<iDivUp(N, BLOCKSIZE), BLOCKSIZE>>>(thrust::raw_pointer_cast(, thrust::raw_pointer_cast(, N);

    thrust::host_vector<unsigned int> h_out = d_out;

    for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
        printf("Element i = %i; h_out = %i\n", i, h_out[i]);

    return 0;



