Importing images in TypeScript React - "Cannot find module"

If you literally wrote "include": ["./src/index.d.ts"] in tsconfig.json and you don't have a "files" setting, that means the project defined by tsconfig.json includes only the single file ./src/index.d.ts. When you open any other file in VS Code, VS Code uses a separate language service instance that doesn't use your tsconfig.json. Adjust your "include" setting to match all the .ts and .tsx files in your project, or just delete it and rely on the default behavior of including all files under the directory containing tsconfig.json.

Round 2

TypeScript is ignoring index.d.ts because it assumes that index.d.ts is generated from index.tsx and index.tsx is more likely to be up to date. Name your index.d.ts file something else, e.g., declaration.d.ts.

create index.d.ts file in folder src,and add this line

declare module '*.jpg';