Expo run on android emulator using windows 10

Maybe too late, but I found out that is simplier that what you think.

  1. Install your Android SDK (studio)
  2. Create new emulator: Go to Tools > AVD Manager > Create new virtual device (I chosen Nexus, Android 7)
  3. When you get new emulator installed try to find out list of it ( command: emulator -list-avds )
  4. !! If you do not have emulator in the path follow this commands in PowerShell:
    PATH = %PATH%;C:\Users\[YOURUSERPCNAME]\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools
    PATH= %PATH%;C:\Users\[YOURUSERPCNAME]\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator
    PATH= %PATH%;C:\Users\[YOURUSERPCNAME]\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools\bin
  1. Run your emulator: emulator -avd [NAMEOFYOUREMULATOR] from the command emulator -list-avds
  2. When emulator runing go to your Expo root folder (wher package.json is) and run npm start
  3. Click on run in Run on Android device/emulator

Enjoy coding

Edit for Linux users

my linux usecase is as follow:

  1. Install Android studio and open it
  2. Install any emulator using AVD manager and try it's working
  3. Close studio and go to your android folder ~/Android/Sdk/(two options 'emulator/' or 'tools/'), basically you need to find emulator
  4. list item ./emulator -list-avds
  5. choose your emulator and run it ./emulator -avd <any emulator> if emulator not work use sudo if you do not get any options in Sdk folder but you installed emualtor than you did it propably as a superuser - then the easiest is to completely remove all android studio and install it again

Yes you can:-(With zero android studio config)

  1. Install expo-cli globally.
  2. Install android Studio.
  3. Create a project by running expo-cli init
  4. No need of any configuration on android Studio.
  5. Open existing Project from android studio

Open the expo project

  1. then Open the created expo Project it will be available as an android project with a android logo on it
  2. then open the AVD Manager run avd manager

  3. Download and install whichever device you want but see to that its above android N and do it for x86

  4. after Installing the desired emulator

enter image description here

  1. run the emulator before running the project
  2. then run expo start to start the Project
  3. Go to the metro builder and say run android enter image description here

  4. if it doesn't run on the first go or if you get error close the project from emulator from recents and do a run on android again from metro builder don't close project just the running project from recent on emulator

from here

  1. then it should work