Importing correctly with pytest

The issue here is that Pytest walks the filesystem to discover files that contain tests, but then needs to generate a module name that will cause import to load that file. (Remember, files are not modules.)

Pytest comes up with this test package name by finding the first directory at or above the level of the file that does not include an file and declaring that the "basedir" for the module tree containing a module generated from this file. It then adds the basedir to sys.path and imports using the module name that will find that file relative to the basedir.

There are some implications of this of which you should beware:

  1. The basepath may not match your intended basepath in which case the module will have a name that doesn't match what you would normally use. E.g., what you think of as geom.test.test_vector will actually be named just test_vector during the Pytest run because it found no in src/geom/test/ and so added that directory to sys.path.

  2. You may run into module naming collisions if two files in different directories have the same name. For example, lacking files anywhere, adding geom/test/ will conflict with test/ because both are loaded as import, with both test/ and geom/test/ in the path.

The system you're using here, without explicit modules, is having Python create implicit namespace packages for your directories. (A package is a module with submodules.) Ideally we'd configure Pytest with a path from which it would also generate this, but it doesn't seem to know how to do that.

The easiest solution here is simply to add empty files to all of the subdirectories under src/; this will cause Pytest to import everything using package/module names that start with directory names under src/.

The question How do I Pytest a project using PEP 420 namespace packages? discusses other solutions to this.

import looks in the following directories to find a module:

  1. The home directory of the program. This is the directory of your root script. When you are running pytest your home directory is where it is installed (/usr/local/bin probably). No matter that you are running it from your src directory because the location of your pytest determines your home directory. That is the reason why it doesn't find the modules.
  2. PYTHONPATH. This is an environment variable. You can set it from the command line of your operating system. In Linux/Unix systems you can do this by executing: 'export PYTHONPATH=/your/custom/path' If you wanted Python to find your modules from the test directory you should include the src path in this variable.
  3. The standard libraries directory. This is the directory where all your libraries are installed.
  4. There is a less common option using a pth file.

sys.path is the result of combining the home directory, PYTHONPATH and the standard libraries directory. What you are doing, modifying sys.path is correct. It is something I do regularly. You could try using PYTHONPATH if you don't like messing with sys.path