Xcode process launch failed: Security

On your iPhone , go to settings->general->Device Management->"your account" and than trust your provisioning profile .

Security issue comes from iOS9 and it is very simple to solve the issue. The alert is displayed like,

Could not launch "Hello World" process launch failed : Security

Its very simpler to solve the issue, just open "Settings" in your iPhone/iPad

Settings → General → Device Management / Profiles & Device Management → Developer App / Enterprise App → Trust

For Developer profile, you app will be under Developer App section and for Enterprise Profile your app will be under Enterprise APp section.

Clean and Run your project Its Done.

In some cases you need to approve the developer (yourself in this case) and in case it doesn't ask you when pressing the app icon (could just give you dismiss option only) go to settings app-> general -> profiles -> You should see the profile there, click on that and approve as trusted.

This is caused by expired or invalid provisioning profiles (usually where you have a matching bundle ID and two mismatched provisioning profiles bound to mismatched certificates).

  1. Delete all provisioning profiles on the device again (in the Xcode menu Window > Devices).
  2. Disconnect the device from your Mac and check in Settings.app to ensure all provisioning profiles have been cleaned (or at least the ones you think are causing the problem).
  3. Reboot your device and leave it unplugged.
  4. Delete all existing provisioning profiles from ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles (you might want to back these up first). If you're logged into your Apple Developer account in the Xcode menu Xcode > Preferences > Accounts, existing/current Xcode-managed provisioning profiles will re-appear.
  5. Plug your device in again and it should be working.