Importing code style formatting settings into eclipse from intellij-idea

You can export settings in Intellij by clicking on File > Export Settings but they will be in .jar format.

According to this thread there is no easy way of importing settings.jar into eclipse.

Eclipse - import code format settings

I hope this helps :)

There is a EditorConfig - independent format for editors/IDEs code style configuration. There are EditorConfig plugins for most popular editors(see full list here).

You can see examples for IntelliJ IDEA(tutorial) and Eclipse(plugin page).

I couldn't find a ready plugin for that in 2018. So here is a side by side code style configuration from UI perspective of Intellij IDEA 2017.3 and Eclipse OXYGEN.3 March 2018. If both configured this way the code will be formatted close enough, so for example github will show you code differences so that it make sense.

For our project we configured one XML for each IDE so they more or less match:

  • IntelliJ Config File is default of IDEA 2017.3 so not much to define in XML - enter link description here
  • Eclipse Config is modified a bit from the default to match IntelliJ - link
  • Here is also a PDF file to show all the options set in both IDEs side by side - link

There is also a project to solve this problem across more IDEs(Answer) : EditorConfig