Implicit class vs Implicit conversion to trait

As far as I'd know, they're pretty much exactly the same. The scoping rules also equally apply to both.

In my opinion, I'd use the implicit classes for your kind of situation. They were probably created exactly for something like that.

Implicit conversions, to me, are more appropriate when you already actually have two different kind of classes and want to convert between the two.

You can check out the initial proposal for implicit classes right here. There it says:

A new language construct is proposed to simplify the creation of classes which provide extension methods to another type.

You can even see how it desugars implicit classes. The following:

implicit class RichInt(n: Int) extends Ordered[Int] {
   def min(m: Int): Int = if (n <= m) n else m

will desugar into:

class RichInt(n: Int) extends Ordered[Int] {
  def min(m: Int): Int = if (n <= m) n else m
implicit final def RichInt(n: Int): RichInt = new RichInt(n)