Implied anonymous types inside lambdas

Is this documented somewhere or is there something about this in the JLS?

I think it is not a special case in anonymous class that need to introduced into JLS . as you have mentioned in your question you can access anonymous class members directly, e.g: incr(3).

First, let's look at a local class example instead, this will represent why chain with the anonymous class could access its members. for example:

void localClass() throws Throwable {
    class Foo {
        private String foo = "bar";

    Foo it = new Foo();

    assertThat(, equalTo("bar"));

As we can see, a local class members can be accessed out of its scope even if its members is private.

As @Holger has mentioned above in his answer, the compiler will create an inner class like as EnclosingClass${digit} for each anonymous class. so Object{...} has it own type that derived from Object. due to the chain methods return it own type EnclosingClass${digit} rather than the type which is derived from Object. this is why you chain the anonymous class instance could works fine.

void chainingAnonymousClassInstance() throws Throwable {
    String foo = chain(new Object() { String foo = "bar"; }).foo;


private <T> T chain(T instance) {
    return instance;

Due to we can't reference anonymous class directly, so when we break the chain methods into two lines we actually reference the type Object which is derived from.

AND the rest question @Holger has answered.


we can conclude that this construction is possible as long as the anonymous type is represented by a generic type variable?

I'm sorry I can't find the JLS reference again since my English is bad. but I can tell you that it does. you can using javap command to see the details. for example:

public class Main {

    void test() {
        int count = chain(new Object() { int count = 1; }).count;

    <T> T chain(T it) {
        return it;

and you can see that checkcast instruction has invoked below:

void test();
descriptor: ()V
     0: aload_0
     1: new           #2      // class Main$1
     4: dup
     5: aload_0
     6: invokespecial #3     // Method Main$1."<init>":(LMain;)V
     9: invokevirtual #4    // Method chain:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
    12: checkcast     #2    // class Main$1
    15: getfield      #5    // Field Main$1.count:I
    18: istore_1
    19: return

Absolutely not an answer, but more of 0.02$.

That is possible because lambdas give you a variable that is inferred by the compiler; it is inferred from the context. That is why it is only possible for types that are inferred, not for types we can declare.

The compiler can deduce the type as being anonymous, it's just that it can't express it so that we could use it by name. So the information is there, but due to the language restrictions we can't get to it.

It's like saying :

 Stream<TypeICanUseButTypeICantName> // Stream<YouKnowWho>?

It does not work in your last example because you have obviously told the compiler the type to be : Optional<Object> optional thus breaking anonymous type inference.

These anonymous types are now (java-10 wise) available in a much simpler way too:

    var x = new Object() {
        int y;
        int z;

    int test = x.y; 

Since var x is inferred by the compiler, int test = x.y; will work also

This kind of usage has not been mentioned in the JLS, but, of course, the specification doesn’t work by enumerating all possibilities, the programming language offers. Instead, you have to apply the formal rules regarding types and they make no exceptions for anonymous types, in other words, the specification doesn’t say at any point, that the type of an expression has to fall back to the named super type in the case of anonymous classes.

Granted, I could have overlooked such a statement in the depths of the specification, but to me, it always looked natural that the only restriction regarding anonymous types stems from their anonymous nature, i.e. every language construct requiring referring to the type by name, can’t work with the type directly, so you have to pick a supertype.

So if the type of the expression new Object() { String field; } is the anonymous type containing the field “field”, not only the access new Object() { String field; }.field will work, but also Collections.singletonList(new Object() { String field; }).get(0).field, unless an explicit rule forbids it and consistently, the same applies to lambda expressions.

Starting with Java 10, you can use var to declare local variables whose type is inferred from the initializer. That way, you can now declare arbitrary local variables, not only lambda parameters, having the type of an anonymous class. E.g., the following works

var obj = new Object() { int i = 42; String s = "blah"; };
obj.i += 10;

Likewise, we can make the example of your question work:

var optional = Optional.of(new Object() { String field = s; }); -> anonymous.field).ifPresent(System.out::println);

In this case, we can refer to the specification showing a similar example indicating that this is not an oversight but intended behavior:

var d = new Object() {};  // d has the type of the anonymous class

and another one hinting at the general possibility that a variable may have a non-denotable type:

var e = (CharSequence & Comparable<String>) "x";
                          // e has type CharSequence & Comparable<String>

That said, I have to warn about overusing the feature. Besides the readability concerns (you called it yourself an “uncommon usage”), each place where you use it, you are creating a distinct new class (compare to the “double brace initialization”). It’s not like an actual tuple type or unnamed type of other programming languages that would treat all occurrences of the same set of members equally.

Also, instances created like new Object() { String field = s; } consume twice as much memory as needed, as it will not only contain the declared fields, but also the captured values used to initialize the fields. In the new Object() { Long id = p.getId(); String json = toJson(p); } example, you pay for the storage of three references instead of two, as p has been captured. In a non-static context, anonymous inner class also always capture the surrounding this.