Errors using Pomelo MySQL EF provider with ASP.NET Core 2.0 Preview

Let's look at EF Core 2.0 Preview 1 announcement:

If you are using a third party database provider, then check to see if they have released an update that depends on 2.0.0-preview1-final. If they have, then just upgrade to the new version. If not, then you will not be able to upgrade since version 2.0 contains several breaking changes and 1.* providers are not expected to work with it.

That means Pomelo isn't expected to support EF Core 2.0 until a comparatible release is produced.

Recently, faced the same error during my project update to .NET Core 2.0. At this moment, solution is described in Basically, update package to the prereleased version 2.0.0-rc-*

<PackageReference Include="Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql" Version="2.0.0-rc-*" />