Implement a java UDF and call it from pyspark

In lines with you could define UDF1 with in Java using

public class AddNumber implements UDF1<Long, Long> {

public Long call(Long num) throws Exception {
      return (num + 5);

And then after adding the jar to your pyspark with --package <your-jar>

you can use it in pyspark as:

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.types import LongType

>>> df = spark.createDataFrame([float(i) for i in range(100)], FloatType()).toDF("a")
>>> spark.udf.registerJavaFunction("addNumber", "com.example.spark.AddNumber", LongType())
>>> df.withColumn("b", F.expr("addNumber(a)")).show(5)
|  a|  b|
|0.0|  5|
|1.0|  6|
|2.0|  7|
|3.0|  8|
|4.0|  8|
only showing top 5 rows

I got this working with the help of another question (and answer) of your own about UDAFs.

Spark provides a udf() method for wrapping Scala FunctionN, so we can wrap the Java function in Scala and use that. Your Java method needs to be static or on a class that implements Serializable.

package com.example

import org.apache.spark.sql.UserDefinedFunction
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf

class MyUdf extends Serializable {
  def getUdf: UserDefinedFunction = udf(() => MyJavaClass.MyJavaMethod())

Usage in PySpark:

def my_udf():
    from pyspark.sql.column import Column, _to_java_column, _to_seq
    pcls = "com.example.MyUdf"
    jc = \
    return Column(jc(_to_seq(sc, [], _to_java_column)))

rdd1 = sc.parallelize([{'c1': 'a'}, {'c1': 'b'}, {'c1': 'c'}])
df1 = rdd1.toDF()
df2 = df1.withColumn('mycol', my_udf())

As with the UDAF in your other question and answer, we can pass columns into it with return Column(jc(_to_seq(sc, ["col1", "col2"], _to_java_column)))